Helping Our Community In Many Ways

Advocacy and Prevention

We are eager to provide information to the community about the agency, domestic violence, sexual assault issues and homelessness/economic issues. All topics can be adapted to meet the needs of your group and are provided free of charge. To schedule a presentation for your group, class, employees or organization, please contact Uzma at or call 847-742-4088.

General Topics

Agency Services and History – Learn about how the Community Crisis Center began, the services we offer to the community and how you can help. Presentation tailored to your group.

Homelessness in Our Community – There are people in our community who live without having the assurance of paying rent and having a place to live next month. Some people have already lost the security of a place to stay. In this presentation, learn about what services are available and what you can do to help.

Suicide and the Community Crisis Center’s Response – A 24 hour crisis hotline is available for all kinds of calls including suicide. In this presentation, learn more about suicide intervention and how to help those who are in despair.

About Your Donation – Is your school, group, organization planning a donation drive on our behalf? Invite us to your drive to receive the donations, and we’ll provide the participants how their donations will be used.

Domestic Violence Topics

Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner) – Domestic Violence stats and facts are presented, what it is, how prevalent it is, and how it affects the individual. In this presentation, learn how you can help, and what services we can provide to those in a violent situation.

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children – Children are the “silent witnesses” to domestic violence, and it has a great impact on their life. In this presentation, learn how to recognize symptoms of trouble at home, and how to talk with children whose lives have been affected.

Dating Violence – For teenagers and young adults: Find out more about dating violence, your rights and responsibilities in a dating relationship and how to recognize a potentially dangerous relationship. For parents: Find out how to recognize when your child is in a dangerous relationship and how to help the child get our of a dangerous situation safely.

Cyber Violence – Technology has created both great advantages and disadvantages. In this presentation, learn about sexting, cyber harassment and cyber stalking. Ages 12 and up.

Batterer Intervention – In this presentation, learn about our Batterers Program, where do batterers come from and what steps they must take to change their behavior.

Sexual Assault Topics

Sexual Harassment at School – Students will learn how to prevent sexual harassment and learn the appropriate steps to take if they are victims.

Safe Surfing – Students will learn the risks and safety rules for internet use. Grades 4-adult.

It’s Okay to Say No – Students learn they have a right to say no to inappropriate behavior through role playing. Grades K-2.

Personal Body Safety – Students learn general safety and body safety rules. Grades K-3.

Bullying, Teasing, and Harassment – Students will learn how victims and bullies feel, and learn harassment and assertive skills. Grades 3-6.

Teen and Young Adult Topics

Sexual Harassment – Students will learn what constitutes sexual harassment, how to stop it and appropriate actions to take if they are a victim. Grades 10-12, college.

Date Rape: The Ultimate Dating Violence – Students will learn what constitutes sexual harassment, how to stop it and appropriate actions to take if they are a victim. Grades 10-12, college.

Date Rape and Date Rape Drugs – Students will learn what constitutes sexual harassment, how to stop it and appropriate actions to take if they are a victim. Grades 10-12, college.

Causes and Effects of Rape – Learn about recognizing high-risk situations, rape myths, and the effects of sexual assault in victims. Grades 10-12, college.

Sexual Assault and Date Rape – In this presentation, learn how to recognize high-risk situations, safe dating tips, and myths about rape.

Parent, School Staff and Community Topics

Child Sexual Abuse Recognition and Action – Learn signs and symptoms of possible sexual abuse and what actions to take if you suspect it. A presentation for everyone who works with children.

Mandated Reporting – All who work with minors in a paid or volunteer capacity is mandated to report physical and sexual abuse. In this presentation, learn how to handle disclosures and your duties required by law.

Internet Safety – Learn how to protect children and how to check what sites they have visited.

Adult and Senior Topics

Elder Sexual Abuse – Seniors will learn about assault, risk factors and signs of abuse.

Recognizing Senior Sexual Abuse – In this presentation, learn about the signs and risk factors of abuse and what to do if a disclosure occurs.

Volunteer with the Community Crisis Center.