Resources to Help You Succeed

Computer Safety

If you are concerned that someone in your household would be angry if they discovered you visited certain websites, we have some computer safety tips below.

Use a Private Browsing Window

Most modern browsers offer a “Private Window” option. When browsing the web in one of these special windows, your browser history will not be saved.

Most of these options can be found in the browser menu under File > New Private Window. There are also some handy desktop key combinations that can open one of these windows for you quickly.

  • Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Edge: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P

Delete Your Browser History

If you forget to open a private window, you can always delete your browser history.


  1. Launch Chrome
  2. Click the History tab, in the top menu, then “Show Full History…”
  3. At the top, click the dropdown under “Clear data from the…”
  4. Choose the time range that you wish to clear
  5. Click “Clear Data”


  1. Launch Microsoft Edge
  2. Click “Tools” button
  3. Point to “Safety” and select “Delete Browsing History”


  1. Launch Firefox
  2. Click the History tab, in the top menu then “Show All History”
  3. Select what what you wish to clear
  4. Right click, then “Delete” or hit “Delete” on the keyboard


  1. Launch Safari
  2. Click the History tab, in the top menu
  3. Select “Clear History…”
  4. Choose the time range that you wish to clear
  5. Click “Clear History”

Volunteer with the Community Crisis Center.